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  • The Ultimate Guide for Vietnam Protesters

    A website dedicated to helping Vietnam Protesters

    Vietnam War pic 1
    What is Project Freedom?

    About Us!

    Hello, we are Project Freedom, a team aiming towards helping our fellow Vietnam protestors. We are here to understand and help support your stance about the United States involvement in the Vietnam War. Our website has advice about ways to show your opposition to the war: avoiding the draft and hosting a protest; it also highlights the injustices U.S. soldiers face in Vietnam through virtual demonstrations of the deathly traps; and a useful draft calculator, which estimates how likely you are to be chosen to fight in the war. Click on a specific tab and learn more!

    How to Avoid the Draft
    How to Host a Protest
    1. Establish a team that are keen on turning out to be co-backers of the protest and people who can help with arranging the protest.

    2. Sort out a protest at a sheltered spot or somewhere where the specific issue is pervasive. Speak with your supporters to be certain that they have a sense of security at the area where the walk will be held. Set a period that is helpful for most supporters.

    3. Contact potential speakers who are proficient about the Vietnam War. You should seriously mull over contacting individuals who have encountered the war or have been influenced by it. A decent gathering of speakers will be assorted, including individuals of various sexes, races, sexual directions, ages, and capacities.

    4. Make signs and flags that are attractive and that point out the reality of war and different issues being tended to.

    5. Ensure that your message is comprehensive and that you don't distance any individual who might be a supporter. Prior to the walk, talk with your supporters about suitable messages for signs and pennants to ensure that they speak to the message of the walk without singling out or affronting a specific gathering of individuals. Continuously energize decent variety and solidarity at your walk.
    Draft Calculator

    How the draft was calculated:

    The draft is essentially a lottery that determines if you are going to Vietnam to fight in war. Almost everyday, a number from 1 through 366 is chosen from a plastics basket with a spinner. Each number represented a different day of the year, including leap years, which is why there are 366 numbers. It is predicted that the amount of times they are going to choose a number from the draft is 195. With this information, we can calculate the probability that someone is going to be drafted.

    Since we are dealing with large numbers, it would be easier to find the probability of someone not getting drafted, and use that number to find the probability of someone getting drafted. So the probability you wouldn’t have been chosen the first time they chose a draft number was 365/366, since you have only one draft number out of the 366. The next time they choose a draft number, you would have a 364/365 chance of not getting chosen, since once a draft number was chosen, it couldn’t be chosen ever again. Repeating this process 195 times, you will end up with 365/366 * 364/365 * 363/364 * ... * 171/172, which ends up being 171/366. That is the probability that you wouldn’t be chosen, so to calculate the probability you would be chosen you would just calculate: 1 - (171/366) which ends up being 195/366.

    Because the number wasn’t generated by a computer, and the capsules were arranged by humans and the number was chosen by a human, there was some human error when choosing the draft number. According to the statics from the graph below, you can see that if you were born in one of the first few months, you would have a higher chance of getting chose rather than people being chosen in the last few months

    Try out our simulation:



    echoAR Punji Trap

    trap 1

    In Vietnam the soldiers experienced many terrible things, among them the Vietcong’s crazy guerrilla war tactics. One major defense strategy of the Vietcong are bobby traps, these lethal traps were concealed under foliage in the dense Vietnam forest making them virtually invisible to the average U.S soldier. A common trap was the Punji stick trap, which consisted of sharpened bamboo sticks at the bottom of a hole covered by a thin frame with foliage on top. The unsuspecting soldier would step on the frame, therefore breaking it and falling into the spikes below, which were often covered with infection substances.

    echoAR Rolling Trap

    In the harsh war torn enviroment of Vietnam there is another vile trap lurking in the jungle, the rolling trap. The trap is covered with foliage just like the Punji trap, so when the soldiers would unknowingly step on the trap they would fall down onto rotating spikes that spun when the soldier fell onto them.